
Manual aplication

One person pulls the cable. The reel makes a constant force to reel it in. Optionally, a retaining ratchet can be installed that allows the spring to be locked every few centimeters. Optionally, or as standard on some models, it has a rotating support so that the cable does not have to exit only in a straight line, covering a 270º fan.

Typical cases: Feeding of small tools, feeding of non-linear hoists…

Recommended series for this application:FC and FAG.

In the picture: F61C2 (FC290) reel for battery charging in bus depots.

Transfer trolleys

Cable reels on Transfer trolleys

There are several ways to supply power to a transfer trolley. The easiest is to place a cable reel on the trolley. Then, the cable will lay on the ground as the trolley moves away from the power outlet.

In some cases, due to the trolley environment, the reel has to be located in a fixed part of the system. When the distance to travel and the weight of the cable allow, the reel can be mounted at a certain height, being the cable tensioned with a minimum curve at the required height.

If cable length and weight makes this kind of installation unavaliable, a roller or Teflon guide can be mounted to allow the cable run along such guide.

Lifting: Elevators, Lamps, Grapples, Hooks, Clamps, Button panel…

Cable reels on vertical aplication, Lifting
Cable reels on vertical aplication, Lamps on Stage

The vertical application for grapples, hooks and lifting systems may mount the reel either at the fixed or the mobile point, allowing a vertical displacement same as the cable length, or even twice if the power socket is placed halfway.

Gantry crane

Cable reel on Gantry crane

As with heavy cranes, due to cable weight and distance to travel, reels are usually mounted on the same gantry crane, with the power outlet halfway. These reels are generally unispiral type and driven by a torque motor.